The Ultimate "Green Building"
Post-Frame: It's as "Green" as it Gets: It is not only because the materials used may be renewable and/or recyclable and in other ways "environmentally friendly," but because post-frame buildings are the most economical and quickest to erect that makes them the "greenest" of buildings out of the starting gate. Post-frame buildings are design-efficient. Due to these efficiencies, post-frame buildings have the lowest embodied energy compared to any other type of modern building system. But the fabrication and building process only accounts for 5% of a building's energy use over it's lifespan - the building's use over time accounts for 95% of its energy consumption. Because they can acheive far superior insulation R-values compared to other types of buildings, post-frame takes its relatively moderate lead in the "green" building race and turns it into a landslide victory once you look at the building's entire life-cycle.