How to Build in the Winter

How to Build in the Winter

America's Heartland begins another winter. Most construction must stop for the season, as the quality of traditional foundations may be detrimentally affected by freezing temperatures during the concrete curing process.

Post-frame buildings that use posts or pre-cast concrete piers for the building's foundation can overcome this problem. A builder that is conscientious to ensure freezing temperatures can't affect the concrete curing process can still build using post-frame techniques.

A builder can use pre-cast concrete footings (a.k.a. "cookies"), or use the new plastic composite FootingPad, or can pour concrete footings in the bottom of holes 4' deep and cover them to prevent frost damage. Then, he simply installs pre-cast concrete piers in the holes to build the building. Once the cladding is installed, he may even pour a concrete floor indoors if temperatures will remain above freezing inside the structure.

A builder may also frame a treated wood or wood-plastic composite deck adjacent to a structure using pre-cast concrete DeckPosts. He just adds some dry concrete mix around the bottom of each DeckPost (down where freezing temperatures won't reach), fills each hole the rest of the way with dirt and waters each hole to ensure the concrete at the bottom will moisten and set. He then finishes the project without having to wait for Spring.

Post-frame buildings are the most economical, energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly buildings one may erect. Originally developed for agricultural uses, post-frame buildings are also built today for commercial, industrial, retail, residential and public uses.

New façade and interior finish options make post-frame designs very competitive compared to other types of buildings, as they may meet the highest aesthetic demands to match surrounding buildings or set a high standard for new project developments. New foundation options provide durable alternatives to soil-embedded treated wood post foundations, ensuring exceptionally long building life.

For more information about post-frame construction and Perma-Column pre-cast concrete pier products for buildings and decks, visit www.HeartlandPermaColumn.comClick here to find an updated price listing and lumberyard distributor list.

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