Post-frame building
John Fullerton of Heartland Perma-Column presented two educational seminars at the Heartland Chapter Conference.

column brackets
About 60 people attended the conference and trade show.

perma columns
Ima Matlock of Burrow Construction caught the biggest (and the most) fish at the fishing outing.

perma column
Most of the fish were not very big.

Pole building
Thursday's golf outing and fishing outing were followed by a reception and a cornhole (bean bag) tournament.

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For Post-frame pole buildings or pole barns that are durable, economical, energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly sustainable buildings, use Perma-Column foundation products. Perma-Column concrete posts and Sturdi-Wall post brackets keep building posts out of soil contact, for a post foundation that will never rot. We can help you with pole barn plans / pole barn blueprints /pole building designs / post-frame building plans; also pole barn kits, pole building prices, post brackets, and other pole building foundation options. We can help you find a post-frame builder / find a pole building contractor / find a pole barn builder. Contact us to find pole building supply companies, and find a pole building engineer or post-frame building design professional who can engineer and stamp a pole building plan. Click here to request pricing, technical and other info.